Other Works
Below are links to some of my other work. This work consists of some papers and speeches that I have created over years. Hopefully this work gives you an insight into what I am interested in.
Turning Tragedy into Evangelism
This paper takes a look at Billy Graham's speech to the people at the Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Prayer Service in 1995. In this paper I analyze the speech and the rhetoric of Rev. Billy Graham.
Eschatology and the Return of the Lord
In this paper I discuss how different places in scripture speak differently about the return of the Lord. I focus on 1Thessalonians 4:13-18 and then contrast it with verses from the Gospels.
Greer High Football Banquet Speech
On February 13, 2014 I had a the chance to go to Greer High School to speak at the football banquet. I spoke about the community of Greer and what Greer High Football means.
A Response to Jason A. Sharier
In this paper I give a response to the essay, "Redefining Interfaith Discourse: Applying Invitational Rhetoirc to Religion" by Jason A. Sharier, found in Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric 9.